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8th Grade

Over the course of the year, there are so many new concepts that we learn that sometimes it is hard to keep track of what we have learned about the most. This portfolio has allowed me to take a step back and think about the classes that I have grown the most in, in the 8th grade. I have always learned that you have to do your own learning. You have to put in the extra effort to understand the concept instead of sitting for the answers to come to you. I felt like I might have taken this too literally by not asking others questions. I always had this slight fear of asking and answering questions during class. If I misspoke I didn't want the whole class knowing that I had made the mistake. I realized that I as I was getting into higher classes, the concepts would get harder which meant that I would just sit back if I didn't understand something. This is why I felt like I grew a lot in the quality of inquiry in all of my classes but I specifically saw that this was the case in science class. As we were moving through the plate tectonics unit, there were many concepts that I wasn't understanding. Since I didn't want to ask questions I kept it to myself. As we started the plate tectonics project, I started to ask my teacher more questions about my location so that I could get a sound understanding of how the plates interact, to model it. I personally feel like I need to develop this quality more for high school because concepts are going to get harder to understand, the older I get. By being able to ask questions until you get the answer, I will be more successful in understanding the topic. 

Hover over the pictures to learn more about the project.

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