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First Lego League & First Tech Challenge 


First Lego League: I did First Lego League (FLL) robotics for four years. I was the team captain for those years. FLL increased my confidence in doing many things. It gave me the opportunity to work with technology by learning programming. I experienced the engineering process by building a robot from scratch. FLL has improved my leadership qualities and has risen my confidence in being able to speak to others. FLL has also taught me how to work in a team and be a successful team captain. My team won many awards for team work and for our presentations at competitions.



First Tech Challenge: I started First Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics in 8th grade. I was the team captain of my FTC team. FTC gives you an opportunity to face the real world. Through FTC, I learned about different hardware, tools, and how to safely use the tools! I was also exposed to JAVA programming. Through guidance I was able to program some of the missions that our robot accomplished. 



First Robotics Competition: I started First Robotics Competition (FRC) robotics in 9th grade. I am currently the team's lead programmer and electrician. I have lead strategy sessions at competitions and have been one of the chosen presenters to discuss our team's accomplishments and goals. In 11th grade, I was honored to be awarded as a FIRST Dean's List Finalist. Participating in FRC was one of the factors that influenced my decision to pursue biomedical engineering in the future.  


I was the driver of the robot during my FLL competition

I was cutting a ziptie on the robot to inspect the gyro sensor during an FTC competition. 


I am adding electrical components to our competition robot. 

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